The Business Equivalent of “The Dog Did It”

by Christopher Null  /  August 8, 2014

Me (to Fedex): Your Delivery Manager service isn’t working. It says my house is a business address. Obviously it’s a residential address.

Fedex: The post office has you classified as a business address. You need to get them to change it.

Me (to post office): Can you change my house from a business address to a residential address?

Post office: Your house has been listed as a residential address for a year.

Me (to Fedex): The post office says my house is a residential address. Can you make the change on your end so I can use your Delivery Manager service?

Fedex: The post office has you classified as a business address. You need to get them to change it.

Me (to Fedex): The post office says my house is a residential address.

Fedex: The post office has you classified as a business address. You need to get them to change it.

Me (to Fedex): The post office says my house is a residential address.

Fedex: The post office has you classified as a business address. You need to get them to change it.


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Christopher Null

Christopher Null is a veteran technology journalist and the owner of Null Media, a custom blogging company.


  1. James Olin Oden on August 8, 2014 at 9:53 am

    Time to talk to a manager.

  2. seth on October 28, 2014 at 11:59 am

    Did you ever get this resolved? i’m having the same exact issue and no one wants to help…