Today is a big day. My wife goes back to work after almost 5 months of maternity leave. I start a new job. First full day of day care for the little one. At 8am, the bleary three of us open the garage door to head out on this adventure… only to find six police cars, a fire truck, and ambulance, and a fire marshall all cluttering up the street (and blocking the driveway). Now I live in a pretty sleepy neighborhood, so this is a strange sight. The scuttle among the neighbors is that something happened two doors down from us, where an elderly woman lives (alone? dunno). Our next door neighbor says she heard a loud THUMP THUMP from there in the middle of the night. Foul play is possibly suspected.
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Christopher Null
Christopher Null is a veteran technology journalist and the owner of Null Media, a custom blogging company. View all posts by Christopher Null