Nice Place to Visit, But I Wouldn’t Want to Live There
Courtesy of my friend Mike Calore: Null Island is the name of an imaginary place located at zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude (0°N 0°E), i.e., where the prime meridian and the equator intersect. The fictitious island, usually defined as 1 meter square, is often used in mapping software as a placeholder to help find and correct database entries that have erroneously been assigned…
Read MoreTech News Today 576 | TWiT.TV
In case you missed it… Windows Phone 8 launch date, new iPhone’s leaking everywhere, Amazon’s sold out of Kindle Fires, and more.
Now that’s what I call a contest! Calling all Elevate® members: Get in the running for Galactic Status by flying Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic, and Virgin Australia to earn status points throughout the year. The Elevate member who scores the most status points by August 7, 2013 wins a suborbital space flight on Virgin Galactic.…
Read MoreSEO Tips for 2013
SEO Tips for 2013 — Some of these are real gems. http://see.sc/mfz5ix
Read MoreOn Chinese Beaches, The Face-Kini Is In Fashion : NPR
On Chinese Beaches, The Face-Kini Is In Fashion : The Two-Way : NPR In China, it’s the height of beach season for Qingdao’s huge Huiquan Beach. But while many visitors want to enjoy the sand and water, they’re not so wild about sunbathing. So they often rely on a local tradition: the face-kini.
Read MoreThe Problem with Guest Posts on your Blog
The Problem with Guest Posts on your Blog When working on an editorial strategy for their blogs, clients often ask me about “guest posts.” Why write our own content, the argument goes, when there are numerous industry luminaries willing to write content for our blog for free?
Read More‘Miserable Monday’ myth dispelled
We may say we hate Mondays, but research suggests Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are equally loathed. We may say we hate Mondays, but research suggests Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are equally loathed.
Read MoreNERD FIGHT!!!
Oh, the humanity…
Read MoreRaise Your Hand, Blogmerica!
“In America today, there are almost as many people making their living as bloggers as there are lawyers.” America’s Newest Profession – WSJ.com
Read MoreNever Mind Peak Oil…
Peak Indium is the next big thing. How Long Will It Last? (JPEG Image, 2282 x 1397 pixels)
Read MoreSorry, Big Guy
You hear this happening from time to time but this is the first time I’ve seen it become policy. I’m a little surprised it’s taken this long to happen. United obese: United Airlines to make large, heavy fliers pay for two seats — chicagotribune.com
Read MoreHow to Get Rid of Any Frame (Including the DiggBar)
God bless Danny Sullivan. Buried in the text of this awesome post is the simple code for breaking your site out of any page that tries to frame your content. (Hello DiggBar!) Danny said he couldn’t get the entire code to show up in his post, so I’m pasting it here (in part so I’ll…
Read MoreWe Always Get Our Man! Er, Girl.
Happy Easter, kids! Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: Ones That Got Away :: Easter egg hunt ends in disaster
Read MoreWorld’s Biggest SF Giants Fan
Cameraphone pic, alas, you can’t read the license plate frame: “NO FAT HOE’S, MY SHIT SCRAPES”
Read MoreThings That Suck
Of all the junk mail that exists, the absolute worst is the stuff that is a printed, single-sheet of paper, folded in half, and glued together on all sides. To open it you have to painstakingly tear off the perforated strips all around, all the while reading about the WARNING: $2,000 FINE, 5 YEARS IMPRISONMENT,…
Read MoreIt’s Better If You Don’t Know What Song It Is Beforehand
Los Colorados,
Read MoreWhy I Sold My Business
I’ve been amazed by the outpouring of excitement, congratulations, and general attaboys that have come along with my recent announcement (if you can call it that) that I’ve sold my business, Filmcritic.com. Some have asked why I did it, and I’d like to answer that in brief here. One friend suggested I was “selling off…
Read MoreDefine "Posession"
OK but what airport are we supposed to direct our anger at? Come on! Chewing The Fat: An Elephant Disappears
Read MorePoor Kid
(From my daughter’s elementary school “literacy night.” That’s Clifford the Big Red Dog, by the way.)
Read MoreThere There Little Ego
$525 and it’s not even autographed?! Amazon.com: Used and New: Five Stars! How to Become a Film Critic, The World’s Greatest Job
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