by Christopher Null / September 25, 2003
Mis-sent dispatch to Christie Null regarding the Trinity College 5-Year Reunion. Christie graduated and spent $100,000 on her education, yet still can’t figure out what her e-mail address is. Here are the details.
Trinity University – 1998 Class Reunion Information
Three pitchers of Shiner at Bombay�s: $20.
One dozen tortillas and queso at TC�s: $3.
Staying up past 11:30 p.m. and acting like a college student again: priceless.
Hello Christie,
Only 31 Days Until Your Five-Year Reunion� Are you ready?
Have you made your plans to come back to Trinity yet?
We are looking forward to seeing you October 24-26 for Alumni Weekend 2003!
Highlights of the weekend include:
Scholarship Golf Tournament at the Alamo Quarry Golf Club
All Alumni get-together and jazz concert in the Ruth Taylor Foyer
Men�s and women�s soccer matches against Rhodes in the evening.
Saturday Morning Classes offer an opportunity to revisit favorite professors and subjects in a casual, homework-free setting.
Alumni Picnic on the Holt Center lawn Saturday afternoon
Football game vs. Centre College.
Official 5-year Reunion Buffet at the lawn by Murchison Tower.
To register online, go to �
Get Connected with your classmates on the new online directory –
See you in October!
1998 Class Reunion Committee
Chanda Brotemarkle
Cynthia Ferguson Fagan
Dathan Weems
Heather Morlang
Melissa Piekos Ruehl
Stacy Murrow Bunck