by Christopher Null  /  September 27, 2003

MOVIE: EW Estimate / Actual Rating

Duplex: B+ / C- (This is my fault; I had no idea how bad this movie would be. A C- is a pretty fair assessment.)

Under the Tuscan Sun: B / C+

The Rundown: B- / B

Underworld: B / C

Case de los Babys: A / B- (inconceivable!)

Hmm, got the ratings backwards this week. They also went a week early with a surprising “A” review for School of Rock… indicating how their love affair with Jack Black goes on and on. Not that I don’t like Jack Black, but an “A”? (Fun fact: EW movie critics never give “A+” ratings.)

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Christopher Null

Christopher Null is a veteran technology journalist and the owner of Null Media, a custom blogging company.