Posts by Christopher Null
This is killing me. I saw a movie on IFC (or similar avant-garde movie channel) a few years ago and I can’t remember the name. It primarily involves two characters, a professional woman and a man who spends the night hidden out in her house. Over the course of the night, she goes on a…
Read MoreSomething we ate last night (the beef bourgignon?) made us very ill. Very upsetting to pay $15 for deli takeout and be affected in such a way. Shame!
Read MoreThe good news: I finally figured out the whole Gold Rush thing (see two posts down). Best score: 36,000. The bad news: Now the wife is addicted too.
Read MoreYahoo! Tornado 21 has become as addictive to me as Literati, Word Racer, and Yahoo Pool once were. I cannot for the life of me figure out how people score millions of points in a game (5 million is the record on the boards right now). My max is 1,398. This guy seems to have…
Read MoreI can’t stop singing “and, but, & or / they’ll get you pretty far!”
Read MoreDamn. This show would have been better than Big Brother.
Read MoreHey, tweed jacket dude! We understand your “beer appreciation society” is of paramount importance to humanity, but if you need to set up your club meeting on your cell phone, can you do it a) less loudly and b) not in the elevator? Some of us don’t appreciate beer quite as much as you.
Read MoreIf she can’t be a cheerleader, maybe she can star in that I Wish These Were Brains movie (see 8/19 post).
Read MoreSee, I really am three degrees from Kevin Bacon. Though I always calculate it through Playboy starlet Jennifer Miriam (also in Pressurecooker) instead of Sallie Guy.
Read MoreLast year I won $60 in the office Survivor pool. I’m looking to repeat. If you’re interested in joining the game this year ($10 buy-in), e-mail me. The season starts September 19. Here are the cattle.
Read MoreMove over Citizen Kane. This might become the greatest film of our time.
Read MoreI know the feeling.
Read MoreIt freaks me out when I’m listening to a CD and finish a song, then click over to the radio and they’re playing the same song I was just listening to. Makes me worry that somehow the radio people are keeping tabs on me via a heretofore unknown technology. This was the song. Two fun…
Read MoreMy New Architect editorial critical of ICANN has been the subject of a dizzying few days of fun, irony, and hijinks. Fellow New Architect staffer Bret Fausett has the dirt.
Read MoreSubscribe to LockerGnome’s newsletters or face the wrath. Thanks for the plug, Chris!
Read MoreAwesome review for Half Mast from 3am magazine.
Read MoreMy father is a longtime Houston Astros fanatic, but even he is showing signs of jadedness. I asked him what he thought of the impending strike. He said he didn’t think it was such a bad thing, because he’d get a refund on his season tickets for all the games which got cancelled.
Read MoreNice. ZDNet USA is too lame to archive old articles, but ZDNet Japan is not. Dig my review of something or other from 1998.
Read MoreThanks Chris and Gretchen for getting us out of the house on a Thursday and into a lovely restaurant whose kitchen, completely coincidentally, is run by our neighbor.
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