by Christopher Null / September 27, 2002
I get a lot of email, but my favorites (aside from Urgent Assistance Required! spam) are wayward messages sent by people who don’t know their friends’ real email addresses. This is especially a problem at — my spam magnet account that I only use to sign up for newsletters/message boards/autoresponders/etc. and rarely check except to purge it of all the accumulated crap. While I usually write back to the clueless ones to explain that I’m not Cynthia Null or Coco N. Ull, I realize now there’s some comedy value here. (Besides, half the time they just ignore me and keep sending crap. It is almost always from one family member to another.) So anyway, here’s today’s letter from “Mom.”
Dear Christie,
Thanks for being Daddy’s secretary, relief driver, etc. He’s really glad that you are along on this trip. I’m sure you’re getting oversaturated with P-FLAG stuff. Hope you’re not getting bored. What a shame to miss Rebecca–but you tried.
Jennie said she has her wedding ring cushion here and that you could use it–so that Kathie wouldn’t need to make anything. Do you want me to bring it back?
That’s all I can think of now.
Love, Mom