Did You Know?

by Christopher Null  /  May 27, 2010

Did you know?*

> Wolverine died.

> Cars are faster than bikes.

> If a car hit us: No car.

> I can do a handstand on a chair.

> Justin Bieber is a teenager.

*Facts courtesy of my four-year-old son as related during a single 15-minute car ride.

Christopher Null

Christopher Null is a veteran technology journalist and the owner of Null Media, a custom blogging company.


  1. Kristin on June 4, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    Wait. When did Wolverine die??

  2. tonia on August 13, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    Call me slow, but what does he by saying “When a car hits us no car”.. I’m still thinking about that one.
    Wow at your son thinking
    too much from a 4-year old…lol

  3. Jim on December 20, 2010 at 6:00 pm

    My son just turned seven. we were driving down the road and out of nowhere he goes “we need solar panels”…