These Kids Today
Amazed to see the army kids headed into middle school this morning… about half with a Starbucks cup in hand.
Read MoreHow to: Change All Files from “Hidden” to “Unhidden”
Vestiges of a virus left a computer with most of the files in the My Documents folder invisible, so the malware creator could make it appear that files were damaged (and magically “repaired” once you paid for the software to fix things). I removed the virus but the files stayed set hidden. Online advice about…
Read MoreAnger Management
Just off the phone with a debt collector for Providian who literally screamed at me: “Why don’t you pay your debts!?” Only problem: I’ve never had an account with Providian. Wrong Chris Null.
Read More“The first thing they told me was, ‘Leave your cats and get out.'”
In a story full of great quotes, that was perhaps the greatest.
Read MoreThe Supermarket’s Scourge Against Tall People
But What Are They Looking At?
I couldn’t imagine better “scared face” pictures… the Fear Factory must be doing something right. Wooooo — Halloween!
Read MoreIldren-Chay
In a bit of a pickle as to how to surreptitiously communicate with other grown-ups in the presence of children, now that my daughter is old enough to figure out things that I spell aloud instead of say. Pig Latin seems useless.
Read MoreI’m Never Clicking on Anything Again
Yesterday I fell prey to my first phishing attack in years. I caught it a minute after I clicked the link and provided my Twitter account info, but the damage was already done. It took nearly an hour to change all the relevant passwords. Had it been a more “secure” password that got compromised it…
Read MoreThe Rumor Mill
Four years on, iPhone rumormongering is still big business. Isn’t anyone tired of this yet?
Read MoreMunicipal Serendipity
Apparently from Glen Park Festival
Read MoreIt’s Funny Because It’s True
My Daughter Speaks the Truth
click for the big version…
Read MoreI’m Talking Mangos
Can someone explain to me where the produce that those guys sell on the side of the road actually comes from? And how come there seems to be so much of it?
Read MoreSometimes It Sucks to Be Tall
From the Ottawa Sun… A seven-year-old giraffe featured on a British television drama was struck and killed by lightning in South Africa Monday. … Hamley is not the first giraffe to be struck by lightning. In 1996, lightning reportedly struck and killed a 5.5-metre tall giraffe that was standing on a hill in the Rhino…
Read MoreTomorrow Is Another Day
Pet peeve. Let’s say you’ve spent some time with someone — perhaps you’ve gone to dinner with another couple, or you’ve had a couple of drinks with them and chatted the evening away. My beef: When you are parting ways at the end of the evening, you get the usual, “When are we going to…
Read MoreFinger Jerky, Perhaps?
You know after you remove a Band-Aid that’s gotten soaking wet: That white, wrinkly, squishy look that your skin gets where it’s been covered up? They need a really good name for that.
Read MoreAbout That Clerk Position…
I have a soft spot for this spam/virus I just received. In fact, I love it. —
Read MoreLike John Waters’ Moustache
Can someone explain to me why some otherwise attractive women pluck their eyebrows down to pencil-thin lines? It is the scariest thing on earth.
Read MorePerhaps This Is Why My Drain Is Slow
Plumber: “How did the water drain before?” Me: “…”
Read MoreIt’s Like Skype But With Typing?
My 7-year-old attempts to explain what email is to my 4-year-old: “It’s like texting with a computer.” The scary thing is that the 4-year-old understood.
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