Anger Management

Just off the phone with a debt collector for Providian who literally screamed at me: “Why don’t you pay your debts!?” Only problem: I’ve never had an account with Providian. Wrong Chris Null.

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In a bit of a pickle as to how to surreptitiously communicate with other grown-ups in the presence of children, now that my daughter is old enough to figure out things that I spell aloud instead of say. Pig Latin seems useless.

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I’m Never Clicking on Anything Again

Yesterday I fell prey to my first phishing attack in years. I caught it a minute after I clicked the link and provided my Twitter account info, but the damage was already done. It took nearly an hour to change all the relevant passwords. Had it been a more “secure” password that got compromised it…

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Sometimes It Sucks to Be Tall

From the Ottawa Sun… A seven-year-old giraffe featured on a British television drama was struck and killed by lightning in South Africa Monday. … Hamley is not the first giraffe to be struck by lightning. In 1996, lightning reportedly struck and killed a 5.5-metre tall giraffe that was standing on a hill in the Rhino…

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Tomorrow Is Another Day

Pet peeve. Let’s say you’ve spent some time with someone — perhaps you’ve gone to dinner with another couple, or you’ve had a couple of drinks with them and chatted the evening away. My beef: When you are parting ways at the end of the evening, you get the usual, “When are we going to…

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Finger Jerky, Perhaps?

You know after you remove a Band-Aid that’s gotten soaking wet: That white, wrinkly, squishy look that your skin gets where it’s been covered up? They need a really good name for that.

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